
The household job board – a free service from the Minijob-Zentrale

This job board for employees in private households is a free service offered by the Minijob-Zentrale.

You are looking for or offer support with everyday work in the home, the garden, or with caring for children, senior citizens or household pets? This is where we provide employees and employers with the opportunity of offering or finding uncomplicated help with routine work in the home.

Increase your chances by placing an advertisement yourself – it is easy and free of charge.

  • Please note:

  • our job board is only for household jobs – both marginal part-time jobs (minijobs) and work that is subject to social security insurance in private households;

  • household jobs comprise work that is normally carried out by family members;

  • only private people can be employees and employers so that service agencies or companies are out of the questions;

  • those working in households are entitled to the minimum wage.

After your search was a success and you have found a household job or a household employee respectively, the staff behind the household job board shall be pleased to inform you on how to register the employment.

We wish you much success!